Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Life...

An angel told me yesterday
To live
One has to die first
And I did

Now is this life
Where my thoughts corrode
My inerself
My mind takes over
Balancing between two opposites
Finds no solace in peace
Lives in past
Looks upto future
But never stays
In The present

Is this life
Where all one does
Is to pay for
Past deeds
Karma they call
While one does not even know
How much balance one still has
To pay

How can I live my life
Whenever I ask the angels
They let me die
Another death.

Om Namah Shivaya

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Blinded in Your love

The spasm of hopelessness
Gathers around me like solar dust
Phoenix like desperation
Rises from the emptiness
Of interstellar space
I keep Climbing up
Step by Step
In the universe
In search of the light of Darkness
In your Universal soul
Blinded in your love

If only You can come
As easily as your pain

Om Namah Shivaya Virtual

Monday, May 08, 2006

Life's gone by....

A Life Gone By

I have this mannequin
Hanging in my office room
One arm and a good figure
No Blouse on top
Feel like something is missing
In her life too

Her feet hangs in the air
Like she has her ground
Removed underneath too
Why I dont see her face
Does she has nightmares too

She does not even have a face
Then how can she has dreams
Let alone nightmares
But does one really need a head
For dreams to barge in
Un asked and uncalled for

Hold on, I can see her smile
Not on her shoulders
But in the space above her
Like an apparition looking at me
Calling me to come to my own senses

Have dreams not in her head
But of my own
Let it live in the contrasts of minds
Let the thoughts categorise it
As good as opposite to Bad

But She tells me not to play the game
Of the contrasts
But feel the evenness of depth
In the restless mind
Move in to observe inside
Unattached to life

Life Gone By...

Om Namah Shivaya

Friday, May 05, 2006

A haiku for a friend on her 23rd B'day... happy belated Birthday..

Lifes Touch

Sweet chocolate
Life seeped in 23 years

Om Namah Shivaya

I am back....

Hi all..

Whoever is following up on this blog. I was away due to certain set back in my life that left me broken and shattered but I am back. I feel that it was all a process of cleansing up that God has ordered for me in natures / Maya's garage like an overhaul or regular service of the vehicle that is this body. I am now coming to terms with the changed situation and picking up threads from where I have left off.

This cleansing has done one thing that I am now very clear of my lifes goal and what I am going to do....

I am back but I will be less online than before but I am here now...

Om Namah Shivaya