The Life...
An angel told me yesterday
To live
One has to die first
And I did
Now is this life
Where my thoughts corrode
My inerself
My mind takes over
Balancing between two opposites
Finds no solace in peace
Lives in past
Looks upto future
But never stays
In The present
Is this life
Where all one does
Is to pay for
Past deeds
Karma they call
While one does not even know
How much balance one still has
To pay
How can I live my life
Whenever I ask the angels
They let me die
Another death.
Om Namah Shivaya
To live
One has to die first
And I did
Now is this life
Where my thoughts corrode
My inerself
My mind takes over
Balancing between two opposites
Finds no solace in peace
Lives in past
Looks upto future
But never stays
In The present
Is this life
Where all one does
Is to pay for
Past deeds
Karma they call
While one does not even know
How much balance one still has
To pay
How can I live my life
Whenever I ask the angels
They let me die
Another death.
Om Namah Shivaya