Thursday, March 30, 2006

I feel far...

These lines I liked from my earlier poem "Empty dreams.." a lot, so I thought of using it as an image seperately as in Haiku.


Far away
The sea crashes
On empty beach

Om Namah Shivaya

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Empty Dreams...

The sound of Om
Echoes on and on
Spaces closes in
On me
I feel far
Far away
The sea crashes
On empty beach

The sound of a crash
Lives on and on
The door still bears
Some angry steps
Every day
A seat
Lives on emptily
Enclosed in walls
Empty like me

How to go about
Living on and on
In a sleepless dream
How long can one
Hold on to
A touch
A Smile
A moment of bliss

Where is my
In space
Where is my
In time
I am still
On and on
On empty dreams

Om Namah Shivaya

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Between my mind and heart...

The tremors that felt my hand
From her fingers
Travelled to the Heart
within my smile
Holding her silence within
My lips
I felt my love
Flutter in her Arms
"Wait - hold me before you leave"
Hung somewhere between my mind
And Heart

Om Namah Shivaya

Friday, March 17, 2006

Come walk with me....

The stars are coming closer
Over the sea
And I find you walking down the waves
Waving to me
How the stars have fenced the sea

Come sit next to me
I remove the space between
“Come walk with me
These moments”
So that they leave foot prints in me

No man has said this before
No one has
Fluttered your heart
No one has loved so much
Yes no had asked me before
How I love

What do I do
Sleep is playing tricks with me
I am dead now
Now I am dreaming
That you love
Now you are leaving

Throw a little dirt
Cover it with your laughs
I am lying awake
In my piece of space
Six feet deep in earth

Death is acceptable
But what do I do
Its not coming
Before that
Your pain happened
Om Namah Shivaya


The sand slipped out of my hands
Bit by bit
Holding on to you
Feels like
A heart in closed fist
It’s paining
More to let it go…

Dreams came crashing down on me
On all sides
While silence prevailed
In the shatters
I grew weak
Bit by bit
By my Love for you

I woke up in the morning
Got ready to dress
Put on the shoes that you loved
Got out the Kurta you liked
Hang around the eating place
That holds your memories
Bit by bit

And I lost my appetite
I walked in the office and I forgot to pray
Lord Ganesha on the door
But I did walk into your room
To say hi
But you have left empty spaces
Bit by bit
And I lost my self


Om Namah Shivaya


Wake Up My Love....

The whole pain
Precipitated from the night sky
In the morning rain
Chiding me for love exposed
Now in the drenched soil
Uncared and very small

How I love
A question that needs answer
Only to those who don't
And it etches like
A newly acquired scab
I just don’t know

What I know
Is this feeling in me
Growing by each space
You put in between
Brings me down on my knees
Feeling the greatness that was
To smallness that is

Meanwhile the Rain
Lashes on my car windows
Love lashes within
Whipping up a storm
And I call you up
To say how lovely is the weather
Wake Up

Om Namah Shivaya


Some Shattered Dreams...

The touch that lingers
Like phantoms in my mind
The feelings
That sieves out of my passionate warmth
Hold me closer to you
Than your body scent
That lives within my thoughts

The more passionate - my thoughts
Coils my mind all around
The more pain,
Breaks out in my heart
Like the grip of your slender legs
Squeezes out pleasure
My last drops

How can I hold you more firmly?
In my thoughts
When your passions
Flutter with winds
A storm that comes along,
Leaving behind
Some shattered dreams.

Om Namah Shivaya


She Skipped....

I find her
Oriented to the Sea
Like a magnet drawn to it
Finding her moment of solitude
In the expanse of blue depth
Precipated from the sky

She left my side
The moment the sea unfolded before her eyes
Skipping like a small child
That she still is
To reach out to her soul
Merged within the waves
Like her lover call

Stopped before the sea engulfed her
and the sheer vastness of her
She finds in her lover
The same depth and expanse
Of emptiness
That she finds within

And I watched from a distance
Her framed outlines in the evening sky
and within the depths of her bond
Still reaching out

Om Namah Shivay