Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Empty Dreams...

The sound of Om
Echoes on and on
Spaces closes in
On me
I feel far
Far away
The sea crashes
On empty beach

The sound of a crash
Lives on and on
The door still bears
Some angry steps
Every day
A seat
Lives on emptily
Enclosed in walls
Empty like me

How to go about
Living on and on
In a sleepless dream
How long can one
Hold on to
A touch
A Smile
A moment of bliss

Where is my
In space
Where is my
In time
I am still
On and on
On empty dreams

Om Namah Shivaya


Blogger Nandi23 said...

I don't really understand it, appears that you are playing on the time-space continium. bringing sound in space, then space in time?
yet the title says empty dreams?

12:09 PM, March 30, 2006  
Blogger Virtual said...

All are related you see the "Om" is the primodial sound and its said that through the vibration every thing comes into being, the time and space is dimensions inter related and the dream is the world - the illusion that is created within that interplay.

But this is also about an emotional experience with a present and past. The last question is about future...

Its an experience about living with some one who was there and then not there and left with some promises that one feels needs to be fullfilled.

Om Namah Shivaya

7:47 PM, March 30, 2006  
Blogger Nandi23 said...

I re-read this and it seemed like a collection of oxymorons , which would make sense if you are illustrating Maya here. Is that it?I didn't get the idea of everything coming into being at the end, rather it seemed as if everything disappeared where space and time merged. I like this but it is rather difficult to see it with your explanation.

1:58 PM, April 01, 2006  
Blogger Nandi23 said...

oh I also wanted to ask, the form of this poem, is there any signifance to it? I mean there are lines that are only one word long, you built it like a pyramid.

2:05 PM, April 01, 2006  
Blogger Virtual said...

Its said in our relgious discourse and also If you are willing to look closely with your own universal consciouness as the "Seeing" at the things that are in existence .. even the feelings are nothing but the manifestations of maya by our senses and Mind. There is basically no end or even the begninging that is what is believed by some ... as in Gita Krishna did reveal this eternal Jnana to Arjuna by showing His virat(The all pervading) swaroop (Form) and to Yashoda Mata (Mother) within his open mouth everything is ever existing or noexisting.. depneds on your way to look at it.

But this poetry is not so eternal ..or very great discourse. Its simply about a moment mixed with my own emotional outburst which I guess you would understand better if you see the poetry as a Temple bell ringing out and reverbrating across universe in space and time with a simple question... When I will find my solace.... When I will find my love?

I love writing Haikus which is about 17 syllables and kind of paints picture with words. I have imbibed it in my style of writing poetry but I basically dont follow the strict rule of the Haikus. I just love to write less and leave things to imaginations. And yes each line when it begins does mean some thing even when its one word...

Om Namah Shivaya
PS: Thanks for your comments I am enjoying them a lot.. gives me to think of the whole thing in a different perspective

10:32 PM, April 01, 2006  

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