Sunday, August 13, 2006

The lake and the waves...

The water fought hard with the waves
Trying to hold its own reality
On the surface
Waves won

Deep inside
Lake withdrew deeper
Left the waves to play
With the air, earth, water
and Fire

Suddenly there was a splash
A rock solid thought
Plunged deeper
Calming with its force
The waves, the water, the earth
And the fire

Lake opened itself
Felt the rock sebmerged within
Unlocked the deepset desire
And merged with the consciouness
The space within the thought
and its own deepest desire

Om Namah Shivaya

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I have seen serpents
Running over your skin
Playing in your hair locks
Bathing from the rivulets that
Run down from your head
And then some one told me
That its me
Now I find them leaving you
and running across my blood
Slithering in and out of my blood vessels
Touching my senses
In cold touch
I have them making me feel
Gripped in coils
While my mind writhes
In shudders
Of coiled tightness
Of my life
Day in and day out Love
I find you
Probing my senses
with your flickering tongue

Om Namah Shivaya Virtual