Saturday, June 17, 2006

Another life Unfolds

Fluttering leaves
Settles on the dust
Waiting for the wind to unfold
Take her to the far corners
Of turbulent time
and leave
Her on the village temple
In wait for another life
To unfold
Om Namah Shivaya

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Knock knock knocking on heavens door..

He was there when I took my first steps
He was there when I fell down and cried
He was there when the only thing I did
Was to suffer and make him cry too
He was even there when
I got up to leave
Him all alone
He came to drop me off with a smile

Now, he is knocking on heavens door
And I am far away holding my breath
Waiting and watching him
To take his last breaths
Though ventilators have taken over
Within the watch full eyes of
My younger doctor brother
I fear the ring of my mobile
My brother gave him only
50-50 Chance
And promised to call me
When the other 50% chance
Turns into 100%

My thoughts my tentative breaths
Have now transformed into chanting of my soul
With each breath
His thought comes
And He smiles
Watching me holding my breath
While He waits upon His doors
Counting on someone knocking on
His doors

Now I smile

Om Namah Shivaya