The unfolding of another story...
This one I wrote in one of the nicest beach of Kerala, Kovalam some time back. While watching the sun go down, one of the terrace restaurant, I saw an old foreigner sitting across watching a young girl on another table full of joy and vivaciousness... here it Goes.
The unfolding of another story....
She sits across
With eyes moist with sun in her eyes
A fresh face
Old memories
A tug of war
between life's triumphs
And lost battles
How life exchanges moments
Silently between them
A young story
An old memories
The sun sets over
One shore
On the other side
Its a new sunrise.
Om Namah Shivaya
With eyes moist with sun in her eyes
A fresh face
Old memories
A tug of war
between life's triumphs
And lost battles
How life exchanges moments
Silently between them
A young story
An old memories
The sun sets over
One shore
On the other side
Its a new sunrise.
Om Namah Shivaya
While reading this poem, i remembered a story i had to analyze a long time ago. It was about an old lady who used to people-watch and she never realized that while she was creating their stories in her head, they were also wondering about her. I think the name is "miss brill." I am not sure. But anwyay, i liked the story then and i enjoyed your poem today. The difference in generations is very interesting to wonder about....when i see older people i ask them of how things were in their time and they have all these stories to tell. they think no one is interested but if they have an audience, they will tell you some of the most intriguing things ever. btw, i like people watching too;)
The life usually never changes, only the words describing them does.
Om Namah Shivaya
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